The number of spanning trees is an important quantity characterizing the reliability of a network(graph). Generally, the number of spanning trees in a network can be obtained by directly calculating a related determinant corresponding to the network. However, for a large network, evaluating the relevant determinant is intractable. In this paper, we investigated the number of spanning trees in three sequences of families of graphs of the same average degree 16/3. We used the electrically equivalent transformations and rules of weighted generating function which avoids the laborious computation of the determinant for counting the number of spanning trees. Finally, we determined the entropy of our studied graphs.
In the current study a green approach was carried out to prepare nickel oxide nanoparticles (NiO-NPs) using Citrus limon leaf extract and nickel nitrate hexahydrate Ni(NO3)2•6H2O as a precursor. The synthesized NiO-NPs were characterized using the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), x-ray diffraction (XRD). The FTIR spectrum showed a strong broad band at 422 cm-1 corresponding to Ni–O stretching vibration of the NiO nanocrystals. The XRD pattern revealed that NiO-NPs possess a cubic crystalline structure with an average crystallite size of 14.5 nm. The NiO-NPs were employed as an adsorbent for the removal of Indigo Carmine (IC) dye from aqueous solutions under different functional parameters, including adsorbent weight, adsorption duration, temperature, pH value, and initial IC dye concentration. The adsorption processes were monitored using UV-vis. spectrophotometry. The results obtained showed that the Langmuir model of adsorption isotherm analysis fits the equilibrium experimental data more accurately than the Freundlich model, and the pseudosecond order (PSO) kinetic model was more appropriate than the pseudo-first order (PFO) kinetic model. The thermodynamic estimation of the adsorption of IC onto NiO-NPs revealed a spontaneous exothermic process with an increase in randomness, with negative Gibbs free energy (∆Go ) and enthalpy (∆Ho ) values and a positive entropy (∆So ) value.
It is essential to identify the weed growth in plant infection at an earlier stage. Which is an important procedure of precision agriculture. In this research work we found that the best method of positioning of optical sensors to get the most appropriate images. To interpret the plant, weed and infections of the plant bed require an accurate feature analysis technique of the images. We introduced a variant of singular value decomposition for this purpose to achieve the best possible results. The performance of this modified singular value decomposition is found better than the conventional singular value decomposition based feature extraction. Comparison of Aerial and Portrait images w ere done to identify the best choice according to the required identification.
Present scenario of technology is awaiting an automated annotation in order to discover an appropriate web service. Revealing a web service in a systemized form is difficult and hence the retrieval of an accurate web service is almost unfeasible. Prevailing web service annotation mechanisms suffers from a limitation, such as compromise in quality of annotating a web service in a semantic manner using third party annotators and hence annotating a web service to maximum appropriateness is almost unfeasible and a non-trivial task too within stipulated time. In order to resolve this and to acquire an appropriate web service, with an utmost relevancy, a semi-automatic framework is developed in this work by means of employing Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema (SAWSDL) annotation mechanism utilizing ontology based annotations and the annotations are verified for its correctness and defects are detected and curated.
Remote fingerprinting of physical devices has been shown previously to be feasible, using tiny deviations in the clock frequencies of fingerprinted machines. Both TCP and ICMP timestamps provided the basis for clock skew estimations. In the context of the emerging urban-sensing paradigm, we note the potential availability of logged sensors data, typically comprising timestamps, and probably labeled with external time reference information. This observation leads to the possible exploit of that new timestamps source to identify individual mobile nodes, and compromise participating users’ privacy. Our experiments verify this conclusion, confirming the earlier results published on the same line of research, and pull the attention to a privacy breach that could be mounted remotely, offline and in non-real time, on logs of sensors data with necessary time reference labels.
Background: Apart from being exposed to various hazards, there are also several other factors that contribute to the deterioration of traffic police health. Thereupon, this study was to investigate the correlation of occupational factors, socio demographic and lifestyle with lung functions in traffic policeman in Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru. \nMethods: A questionnaire on background data, lifestyle and occupational factors such as age, height, weight, working hours, and hobbies were used to obtain their information. A spirometer was used to measure lung function of subjects. \nResults: Among all the factors tested, age (p=0.04), rank (p=0.04), duration of services (p=0.01), and average working hours (p<0.001) were significantly related to pulmonary function among traffic police.\nConclusions: Occupational factors play a crucial role in the safety and health of traffic policemen. These factors can be reconstructed so it will cater their needs. The authorities should take action in generating manageable working hours and duration of services accordingly. The data from this study can help by serving as a reference to the top management of traffic police officers in order to develop an occupational safety and health guideline for police officers to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA, Act 514 1994).
El cedro rojo (Cedrela odorata L.) es una especie maderable de gran valor. Actualmente está catalogada como especie protegida, así como en la lista roja de la UICN debido a la disminución de sus poblaciones silvestres. Las causas principales de esta disminución se deben a la fragmentación del hábitat y deforestación. En este estudio se analizaron un total de 68 muestras de C. odorata proveniente de Tabasco y Chiapas. El ADN fue extraído con el método CTAB (Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide). La amplificación del ADN se realizó utilizando 10 loci microsatélites (SSRs) nueve de ellos previamente reportados como polimórficos para la especie y uno diseñado (AB0507) con el programa Primer 3. Para los análisis de los datos obtenidos se utilizaron los programas NTsys pc, GenAlex, Cervus y Structure. La diferenciación genética fue alta (Fst= 0.419), y la diversidad genética baja (Ho= 0.297). Se distinguieron dos grupos genéticos principales (K=2). En comparación a otros estudios similares nuestro estudio mostró una menor diversidad genética de la especie, lo que indica una mayor erosión genética en la actualidad. Con este estudio se puede sugerir las poblaciones más aptas para la obtención de germoplasma y así contrarrestar la perdida de diversidad genética de esta especie en la región.
Determining the readiness of research toward commercialization becomes significant issues encountered by the institution working on research, innovation and technology development. Particularly in food processing area, the issue is much more involving other aspects aside from technological matter, hence, an assessment tool should be consider these aspects altogether to capture integrated perspective. This study explored the use of Innovation Readiness Level to measures the maturity of research from the perspective of technology, market, organization, partnership and risk. Case of surfactant researches in the Research Center for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences will be deployed as examples of study. According to the assessment, it has been obtained the surfactant recommended for further development towards commercialization of R & D results for food processing, i.e. Glycerol Mono Stearate (GMS), which has reached the level of IRL 3. Some possible improvements strategies have been also recommended to foster the research toward commercialization.
combination of both Fibre and Wireless (Fi-Wi) offer super bandwidth for bolstering the future services of wireless access point. An optic fibre communication is becoming one of the infrastructure medium for providing vast bandwidth for both mobile and fixed users to support video on the internet applications. This can be realized by substituting the electrical components of traditional network with optic ones. However, The Radio over Fibre (RoF) technology is considered a reliable and cost-effective tool to distribute simple and small Remote Antenna Units (RAUs) in the wireless access networks. The central operation can achieve a dynamic resource allocation to small cells. In this paper, a new radio/millimeter over fibre link is proposed using Single Mode Fibre (SMF). The simulation model is built in Matlab environment. The performance is reported for various lengths of SMF and wireless channel distances. The system transports 10 Gbit/s pseudo random sequence data modulated on 60 GHz carrier using Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), the result is modulated by electro optic modulator based on 1550 nm coherent optical carrier. The Quality of Service (QoS) of the system relies on attenuation impairments and chromatic dispersion of SMF.