Abstract: Nowadays, the recent strategy of covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES) is become a standard evolutionary technique for multi-objective optimization (MOO). In order to attain the linearized process of constant temperature anemometer (CTA) the unsophisticated procedure is offered. In this paper, to have linearized process of CTA the function are optimized with the optimal values of mean square error which is determine by the nonlinear ratio metric logarithmic objective strategy to develop the signal linearity of CTA. Here, the modified multi objective covariance matrix adapted evolution strategy (MMO-CMAES) is modified with the matrix function and generate the process for convergence is reduced to optimum the system with a reliable access. The proposed system is processed with the reduction of generation process which is used to adapt the matrix requirement and the efficient process of parallel enactment is done for temperature linearization. The proposed system is simulated and attained the results analysis by using Lab VIEW 7.1. The study purpose is to have an efficient optimal resistor value, time complexity, reduction of noise and generations and reliable process.
Abstract: Wireless sensor nodes are deployed, it focus mainly the coverage and connectivity between nodes. Generallly nodes coverage range is fixed, sometimes which are placed in more distance cause out of coverage range from sender node to desination node. The network does not have any path analyzer node. After packet drop to identify the out of coverage among sensor node. it reduce packet delivery ratio, and network connectivity ratio. So, proposed Enhanced connectivity for nodes to measure coverage range (ECCR) is used to provide better coverage based communication among sensor nodes. Affected routing path is detected at initially, since alert message packet is forwarded from source node to destination node. Anchor node based path monitoring algorithm is constructed to monitor abnormal activities of each sensor nodes which are placed in network environment. The abnormal activities indicates the more packet drop during communication since its coverage range goes to out of limit. It increase connectivity ratio, and packet delivery ratio.
Buck boosta convertir Is a électronique convertir That convert DC voltage at. a certain level input to DC voltage at certain level output. Control system is needed to keep the output voltage according to the set point. Buck boost converter system is implemented control mode PI and PI-Fuzzy.Performance of PI-fuzzy controller for buck boost converter is conforma than convetional PI controller when both controller are subjectif to the same operation. The optimization the performance contrrol system (. PI-FLC control system performance with 40 V set 10 V input has the best stability performance with maximum overshoot (Mp) = 0 V, settling time (Ts) = 0.09 seconds, peak time (Tp) = 0.017 seconds, rise time (Tr) = 0.01 sec and steady state error (Ess) = 0.1 V) , the wind enegy capture to enelctricity conversion are optimization.
Protection system is a system to keep the process in order to remain safe in the event of an undesirable state. Analysis of the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) was conducted by doing Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Risk Graph in a case study on Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Absorber 101-E Unitin the Ammonia (NH3)) plant of fertilizer industry. Fault Tree Analysis is used to determine the SIL based on the potential rate of failure of components in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Absorber 101-E Unit. Here it is found that the SIL value of Benfield Solution Lean pump P-108J and P-108JA are in SIL 1 with the Probability Failure on Demand (PFD) 0.4121. While the Risk Graph is used to determine the value of SIL in each scenario of HAZOP Carbon Dioxide Absorber101-E Unit with some parameters such as consequences (C), the frequency of the field visit (O), the chances of avoiding danger (F) and the possibility of damage to the components (W). Here it is found that low level scenario is at a value of SIL 2.
Calcium titanate (CaTiO3) electroceramic with perovskite structure was produced by solid state reactions. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) were high energy mixed in stoichiometric amounts, and the obtained mixture was calcined at different temperatures (800, 900, 1000 and 1300 °C), with high heating rates (25 °C/min) and short calcination times (2h). The obtained samples were characterized by measurement of particle size distribution, EDX analysis; differential thermal analysis, thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction and SEM. XRD results indicated that CaTiO3 with the structure of perovskite is obtained after calcined powders at 1,000 °C. SEM observations indicate the formation of a very fine and homogeneous microstructure. The measured values of electrical resistivity were within the characteristic range of insulating materials and approach values corresponding to insulating ceramics.
The Nigella sativa seeds and its essential oil are widely used in functional foods and pharmaceutical products. Thymoquinone (TQ) and Thymohydroquinone (THQ), the major biologically active constituents of Nigella sativa seeds, showed promising medicinal properties in the treatment and prevention of various diseases such as diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, heart disease, and cancer. In frame of this study, a simple, inexpensive, and ecological method based on principle liquid–liquid extraction has been developed for preparation of extract with high content of TQ and THQ. Initially, the cold pressed oil from N. sativa seeds is mixed with solution water–ethanol and the mixture is shaken for 4–6 h at room temperature. Quinones pass from oil to solution ethanol–water, whereas the layers are immiscible and easy to separate. The extraction is the most efficient when the solution contains 70% (v/v) of ethanol. The obtained extract contains between 29 to 50% TQ and around 12% THQ. This simple method allows obtaining an extract with a defined composition which has a potential use in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
Nowadays, automatic tumor detection in Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) is very important in many diagnostic and therapeutic applications due to their unpredictable shape and appearance. In medical image analysis, the automatic segmentation of brain tumors from MRI data is one of the most critical issues. The existing researches have some limitations like high processing time and less accuracy, because of their time consumption of training process. In this research, a new automatic segmentation process is introduced by using machine learning and swarm intelligence scheme. Here, a Fuzzy Logic with Spiking Neuron Model (FL-SNM) is proposed for segmenting the brain tumor region from MRI. Initially, the input images are pre-processed to remove Gaussian and poison noise by using Modified Kuan Filter (MKF). In MKF, the optimal selection of minimum MSE of image pixels is done by using Random Search Algorithm (RSA) which improves the Peak-Signal-Noise-Ratio (PSNR). Then, the image is smoothing by Anisotropic Diffusion Filter (ADF) to reduce over-filtering problem. Afterward, Fisher’s Linear-Discriminant Analysis is used to extract the statistical texture features. Finally, the extracted features are transferred to FL-SNM process and this scheme effectively segments the tumor region. In FL-SNM, the consequent parameters like weight and bias place important role to segment the region. So, the weight parameter values are optimized by using Chicken behavior based Swarm Intelligence (CSI) algorithm is proposed. The proposed (FL-SNM) scheme has attain better performance in terms of high accuracy rate of 94.87% sensitivity rate of 92.07%, specificity rate of 99.34%,precision rate of 89.36%, recall rate of 88.39% F-measure rate of 95.06%, G-mean rate of 95.63%, and DSC rate of 91.2% compared than existing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Hierarchical Self Organizing Map (HSOM).