Today, Concrete is the typical construction material. Every year, the number of cubic meters of concrete used in the world is equal to the population of the planet. Indeed, regulations for calculating concrete structures are evolving towards a probabilistic analysis of safety in all countries. As all structures may be subjected to significant thermal gradients for functional, accidental, or climatic reasons, it is now essential to know precisely the effect of temperature on the material's property variations. In this context, this article aims to study the mechanical behavior of concrete exposed to climatic thermal gradients. To highlight the experimental characterization, the residual measurement method was adopted. The mechanical characteristics of concrete were established in a reference state at 25°C and compared with those determined at temperatures of -25°C, -05°C, 45°C, and 65°C. The experimental results show that temperature is a significant parameter significantly influencing the mechanical properties (mechanical strength and Young's modulus) of concrete.
The demand for economic restructuring and the challenges presented by the 4th stage of the Industrial Revolution resonated within the entire global economy. Start-up companies play an important role in this stage as carriers of revolutionary technologies and innovations, which may influence the growth of labour productivity and economic growth. In carrying out their activities, start-up companies may face a lack of capital, which significantly limits their growth. The state's tax policy also plays an important role here. The aim of our paper is to examine the effects of a country's tax policy. Emphasis is placed on corporate tax, the amount of which plays an important stimulating role in the start-up business activities. Based on previous research, which signals a lack of capital in start-up companies and the impossibility of entering the capital market, tax policy can play an important role. This paper intends to quantify these relationships, using a linear regression analysis. The main outcome of the research, based on the analysed data, indicates that a decline in corporate tax rate is associated with a higher growth rate of GDP per capita compared to a period when there was no decline in this tax rate. The subject of our interest is countries with a small size of economy, which are placed in the ranking of states in comparison with developed countries with a large economic size in the leading positions. This group includes Estonia, Finland, Ireland, and Hungary. Current practice in these countries suggests that start-up companies have strong support for the state's tax policy.
This study aims to explore how growth mindset and mindfulness may mediate the impact of work stress on employee performance, with a specific focus on the aviation sector. It centers on the work stress experienced by flight crew members and seeks to clarify how stress influences performance through the lenses of growth mindset and mindfulness. To assess the relationships among these variables, regression analysis was employed, and data collected via various scales were examined using Hayes Process Macro Model 4. Results indicated that growth mindset and mindfulness indeed play a mediating role, showing that work stress indirectly affects performance. Consequently, to enhance performance, it is suggested to prioritize initiatives focused on cultivating mindfulness and growth mindset rather than addressing work stress directly. These findings suggest that these factors could be valuable components in organizational development strategies within aviation and may be integrated into Crew Resource Management (CRM) practices. This study is also the first to examine the mentioned variables together in the civil aviation sector. In this way, the research findings can pioneer and guide studies to be designed for both civil aviation sector and its employees.
In the world almost all problems can be solve by designing graphs. So, during long period graph theory is being researched. In engineering, physical science, mathematical science, graph has a lot of applications. One important problem in graph theory is graph colouring or graph labeling.\n\n$L(2,1)$-labeling is rapidly applied in frequency assignment in communication system, $X$-ray crystallography, coding theory, radar, etc. $L(3,1)$-labeling is an another variation of $L(2,1)$-labeling problem, which is now becomes a widely studied problem as it has many applications in real life. This motivate us to consider $L(3,1)$-labeling problem for paths and interval graphs, where paths and interval graphs are important subclass of intersection graph.\n\n Let $G=(V, E)$ be a graph. $L(3,1)$-labeling of $G$ is a function $\\tau$ from its vertex set $V$ to the set of non-negative integers so that $|\\tau(x)-\\tau(y)|\\geq 3 $ if $d(x, y)=1$ and $|\\tau(x)-\\tau(y)|\\geq 1 $ if $d(x, y)=2$ . The span of an $L(3,1)$-labeling $\\tau$ of the graph $G$ is the highest label used after completion of L(3,1)-labeling of $G$. The $L(3,1)$-labeling number $\\lambda_{3,1}(G)$ of $G$ is the least non-negative integer $m$ such that $G$ has a $L(3,1)$-labeling of span $m$.\n\nIn present article, we have studied about L(3,1)-labeling of paths and interval graphs. We have found an exact result for paths. Beside this, we have proved that, $\\lambda_{3,1}(G)\\leq 4\\Delta-1 $ for interval graph, where $\\Delta$ is the degree of the graph. Also, we have designed an efficient algorithm to label an interval graph by $L(3,1)$-labeling. The running time of the proposed algorithm is also calculated.
O presente estudo traz algumas explicações sobre estoques em um hospital localizado na Região Metropolitana de Natal/RN. No Método de Pesquisa, foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico para a obtenção de conceitos de autores sobre o assunto estudado. Com isso, foram realizadas visitas ao hospital filantrópico com entrevistas semiestruturadas ditadas ao gestor de estoque do hospital. Os resultados deste artigo apresentam soluções dos problemas relacionados a grandes compras de materiais e ausências de alguns produtos, utilizando métodos como a Curva ABC, Giro e Cobertura de Estoques, ajudando assim, a administrar o estoque existente. A importância deste trabalho se reflete em atingir estes objetivos tornando este trabalho executável para a gerência do hospital, para auxiliar a utilizar os métodos propostos dentro dos estoques a fim de controlar as saídas e entradas dos materiais médicos hospitalares e dos medicamentos utilizados neste hospital.
This study is intended to suggest best model to predict students’ academic performance at university level. For this purpose, primary data is collected from 400 undergraduate and graduate students of eight departments of Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), which were selected through stratified random sampling. CGPA is used as the indicator of students’ academic performance. Stepwise linear regression is used to select the best model to predict students’ academic performance at tertiary level. The final model is selected through stepwise regression included six variables: Student’s IQ, ownership of AC, gender, geographic location, self-study hours and ownership of fridge as the significant predictors of students’ academic performance at tertiary level. IQ, ownership of assets (AC and Fridge) and self-study hours are found to have positive effect on student’s CGPA while being male and household’s distance to nearest market (measure of geographic location) are found to have negative effect on student’s CGPA. The results suggest that the adoption of policies which encourage assets accumulation by households and which encourage students to devote more time to their self-study.
In this study, drought analysis is used to calculate missing meteorological data. The study makes extensive use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods like Feed Forward Back Propagation (FFBPNN) and Generalized Regression Neural Networks (GRNN). The Seyhan Basin, which is an area of arable land in Turkey, was chosen to supply precipitation and flow data as input data for these models. The method achieving the best correlation result was used for the subsequent predictive model. Hydrological drought analysis was calculated using different methods, including the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), the Standardized Runoff Index (SRI) and the De Martonne Index (DMI). From the results obtained by these methods, present and prospective drought graphs were created using a Multiple Nonlinear Regression (MNLR) method. Consequently, an increase in possible drought and extreme drought values were generally observed and it is thought that this increase will continue in the future. If drought values do increase in future years, it is vital to use water resources effectively in these conditions.
Inthearticleareconsideredthetheoreticalandpracticalbasesof\nstudyofthepossibilityofreplacingignitionfuelforgaseousfuel,whichare\nreleasedduringspecialthermaltreatmentofcoal,andalsotheintroduction\nofthiskindoffiringtheboilerunitsatcoalthermalpowerstations\nThepurposeofthestudyistodevelopanew,economicallyand\necologicallymoreacceptablemethodoffiringboilersatthermalpower\nplants,whichisabletoexcludetheuseofexpensiveandinconvenientfuel\noil.\nThetaskoftheexperimentistodevelopatechnologicalschemeof\nfiring ofboilers atthermalpowerplants,using volatile combustible\nsubstancesemittedduringtheheatingofcoalasapilotfuel
Todaytheviabilityofsocietydependsonformationattheyoungergenerationof\nspiritualimmunitywhichisworkedoutinuniontotraditionsandthecenturies-old\ncultureofownpeople,inexperienceofpatrioticeducation.Еxactlyanpatrioticideais\nthebasisonwhichalllayersofKazakhstanisocietyareconsolidatedatalltimes.Thus,\nthepurposeofourresearcharetheoreticalreasonsforanentityandvalueofpatriotic\neducation.Particularimportanceinthisregardisthesearchanddevelopmentof\nfundamentally new approaches to building a system ofpatriotic upbringing in\naccordancewiththetrendsinthedevelopmentofsociety.Recentlymoreandmorethe\nviewofapatriotismasextendstothemajorvalue,integratingnotonlysocial,butalso\nspiritualand moral,ideological,culturaland historicaland othercomponents.\nThereforethecalledproblemisrelevantinthescientificsphere