Theileria orientalis is a tick borne haemoprotozoan parasite previously considered non pathogenic has recently gained importance in the field of cattle production due to identification of its pathogenic strains. The present communication reports microscopic as well as molecular analysis of blood samples of cattle from a dairy farm in Lakhimpur district of Assam (India) which witnessed the symptoms of illness in animals with reports of lowered milk production and even mortality. Giemsa stained blood smear microscopy done on few samples collected from suspected animals revealed presence of erythrocytic parasites morphologically indistinguishable from T. orientalis. Conventional polymerase chain reaction using genus specific DNA primers also confirmed the results of microscopic detection. Further amplification of DNA products with specific primers of Chitose, Ikeda and Buffeli strains demonstrated presence of pathogenic Chitose strain and possible involvement of some other strains. Phylogenetic analysis of the Chitose strain showed very close relationship with that of South Indian and Myanmar strains whereas the other amplified products were independent of any cluster referred in the study. Detection of pathogenic Chitose strain of T. orientalis bears significance in relation to the clinical illness and mortality witnessed among cattle of farm under study.
Existing buildings and facilities contain relatively static data. The data supports the facility operations, occupancy management, and project management on college campuses. The traditional data storage method is 2D system, which is paper documents, CAD drawings, or PDF files. The storage method system is fragmented and inefficient when it comes to retrieving and updating the parameters of a piece of the facility or equipment. BIM is an effective carrier to host, exchange, and upgrade the information.Traditional documentation method sometimes fails to serve in managing the development, rehabilitation and renovation of existing buildings. The lack of appropriate documents, change orders. To address the challenges of life-cycle management of buildings because of current documentation methods does not lend themselves toward managing the continuous changes to buildings. The researcher using one of BIM tools is Autodesk Revit for creating the recent document of case study.
With the explosive growth in mobile data traffic, driven by new generation of Heterogonous Network (Hetnet), next generation network face great challenges to meet these overwhelming requirements of capacity. In the meantime, these exponential demands for higher data traffic and rapidly increasing number of wireless users leads towards increase in power consumption and operating cost of wireless networks. One of the most potential solutions to address these issues to introduce small cells overlaid by macro cell. Small cells will not only improve overall capacity but will also provide better coverage. However, the random, un-coordinated and dense deployment of small cell raised some important question about Energy Efficiency (EE) of current wireless networks. For improving EE of current heterogamous network, BS sleep mode strategies are gaining momentum in recent years. To achieve this target, we have proposed a sleep mode strategy which opportunistically switch on/off the small base stations while maintaing the desired Quality of Service (QoS). In this paper, we investigate the design and related trades-off of energy efficiency of Hetnets through small cell BS sleep strategies. We have used the tools from stochastic geometry to derive the expressions for EE and the desired QoS by a randomly selected user, in terms of outage probability and delay. In addition, we have also considered the element of delay consideration for better QoS experience by users. Results and simulations confirm the effectiveness of proposed sleep strategies. Nevertheless, the proposed scheme has relatively larger computation complexity but will with the improvements of approximately 75% in energy efficiency, proposed scheme outperforms the other techniques.
Construction industry plays a centric role in any countries development. It contributes significantly in GDP and job market of the country. Construction practitioners aim to finish projects successfully. A project, if planned, designed and constructed in a way that it should meet the project goals and client satisfaction is termed to be successful. Various factors are involved in achieving a successful project and managing conflicts is a key one. This paper aims to investigate conflict level throughout life cycle of building sector construction projects. A qualitative survey followed by an SPSS analysis has been made to attain results. The study concludes that most of the conflicts occur in construction phase of any project followed by post construction phase, design phase and pre design phase. This paper helps the practitioners of this industry to make necessary policies and frameworks to reduce conflicts in building sector construction projects.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a unified and comprehensive system for all\nthat associated with the construction project, which includes a set of effective policies,\nprocedures, and computer applications that increase the level of performance in\nconstruction project during its life cycle. Through this study investigated the potential\nbenefits of using BIM in Iraq. The quantitative approach was adopted by conducting a\nquestionnaire directed to professionals in the field of construction projects in the\npublic and private sectors. Three hundred copies of the forms were distributed to the\nprivate companies and governmental institutions and departments. The data were\nsubjected to the appropriate statistical analysis and the results showed that the three\nhighest potential benefits of using BIM in Iraq are saving on the cost of the project,\nproviding high quality and fast data documentation system was minimizing change\norders
One of the main problems of the cultivation of agricultural crops, including durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in Azerbaijan is severe NaCl salinity and susceptibility of the regionalized varieties to salt. It is necessary to cultivate salt tolerant varieties in order to decrease a negative effect of this abiotic factor on the wheat yield. Developing the DNA markers of traits of economic importance allowed carrying out an express assessment of plants for resistance to the stress factors of the environment, and to identify varieties with high genetic potential of productivity. An assessment of the presence of the genome marker linked to the Nax1 gene, which regulates contents of sodium ions in leaves under salinity, has been performed in 19 domestic durum wheat varieties. Using gwm312 and wmc170 molecular markers 200bp allele linked to the Nax1 gene was detected in the Barakatli-95, Garabag, Sharg, Shiraslan-23 and Gyrmyzybugda varieties. Identified varieties may be promising for use in breeding.
In this work, two different adsorbent were comparatively used and developed preconcentration of ultra-trace levels of copper ions by flow injection analyses for atomic absorption spectrometry. Copper ions were preconcentrated on a mini-column packed with epichlorohydrin cross-linked silica gel-chitosan composite beads and epichlorohydrin cross linked multiwalled carbon nanotubes-chitosan composite beads. 0.1 M Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid and 0.1 M nitric acid solutions were used in order to remove the copper ions from the adsorbents. The factors affecting preconcentration of copper (II) ions such as sample and eluent flow rate, loading time, pH, eluent concentration, interfering ions were investigated. Under the optimized parameters, detection limits of the methods were obtained as 2 ng mL−1 for epichlorohydrin cross linked silica gel-chitosan composite beads and 1.3 ng mL−1 for epichlorohydrin cross linked multiwalled carbon nanotubes-chitosan composite beads with enrichment factor of 23 and 19.2 respectively. In order to validate the developed methods, a certified reference material of EnviroMAT Drinking Water, Low (EP-L-2) was analyzed and the determined values were in good agreement with the certified values. The developed methods have also been applied to the determination of copper (II) ions in Gediz River (Manisa) with satisfactory results.
Nowadays, Speech Recognition is very important and popular. Speech recognition is the process of converting spoken words into text. This paper presents an approach to the recognition of speech signal using statistics method for the improvement of speech feature representation of voice recognition approach. This paper used connected words for recognition with different persons male and female in natural environment. The feature is extracted using median and mean values as feature vectors to speech recognize. Experimental results show that the proposed method gives good results.