Purpose: In this study, we investigated the effects of three agents frequently used in daily life for medical expulsive therapy on each other.\nMaterials and methods: A total of 143 patients meeting the criteria were included in the study. Patients were divided into three homogeneous drug groups which were tamsulosin group (n:48), alfuzosin group (n:47) and silodosin group (n:48). The time of stone expulsion, analgesic needs, side effects of the medicine and endoscopic intervention needs of the patients were recorded.\nResults: The rate of stone expulsion was 70.8% (n:34) in tamsulosin group, 70.2% (n:33) in alfuzosin group, and 75% (n:36) in silodosin group. No significant difference was observed among the rates of stone expulsion in three groups, and the rates of stone expulsion were similar (p=0.778). The duration of stone expulsion has significant differences in the groups (p=0.012). the time of stone expulsion in tamsulosin was 2.33±0.78 days longer than the one in Silodosin, indicating a significant difference. There was no significant difference between tamsulosin-alfuzosin and silodosin-alfuzosin (respectively p=0.147, p=0.925).\nConclusions: The results of this study showed that medical expulsive therapy by using alpha blocker agents are safe and efficacious. This option must be kept in mind who are not volunteer for surgery as the first-step treatment for eligible patients.
Individuals at project level are becoming more responsible and accountable for the job they perform. Due to increase in complexity of project requirements, there is considerable influence on the responsibilities and roles of project professionals of software industry. The present study aims to examine the relationship and impact of structural and psychological empowerment on job performance of project professionals in software development industry. Data is collected from 219 employees working on projects in 60 software companies of Punjab that are registered with Pakistan Software Houses Association. The results of correlation and multiple regression analysis, reveal that both structural and psychological empowerment have significantly positive effect on the performance of project professionals. The findings suggest that both types of empowerment play major role in influencing employees’ job performance of software industry to enhance success in projects.
By an ordered semihypergroup, we mean a semihypergroup equipped with a partial order relation. An ordered semihypergroup is a natural generalization of a semigroup with a hyper operations and a partial order. In this paper, we try to obtain a more general form of a fuzzy left (right) hyperideal and a fuzzy interior hyperideal in an ordered semihypergroup. The concepts of an -fuzzy left (right) hyperideal and an -fuzzy interior hyperideal are introduced and several related properties are investigated. We show that in regular and intra-regular ordered semihypergroups the concepts of (alpha, beeta)-fuzzy hyperideal and (alpha, beeta)-fuzzy interior hyperideal coincide. In the last of this paper, the characterizations of simple ordered semihyper-groups are obtained and several related theorems are discussed.
In this survey paper, we characterize the reinforcement learning for mobile robot navigation and state the importance of artificial intelligence in achieving machine learning techniques. We review various reinforcement learning approaches that have been proposed for mobile robot navigation classifying them under the learning paradigms. Reinforcement learning (RL) is presented as an autonomous learning procedure that is suitable for unknown environments. We describe some challenging learning policies of RL approach that arise in path planning of mobile robot navigation, in particular in Markovian environments, and present their possible solution methods. Finally, we present future scope and show suitable machine learning approaches for learning in mobile robot path planning.
A partir de la formulación del concepto de sustentabilidad, surge la necesidad de considerar en forma integral y global los procesos productivos y de alcanzar medidas de la sustentabilidad. De este modo se construyeron listas de indicadores y características que debían tener los mismos. Luego se propusieron conceptos, criterios y metodologías para seleccionar/desprender/derivar indicadores que conformaran índices de sustentabilidad o que fueran parte de diferentes marcos de evaluación de sustentabilidad. \nEn Latinoamérica se han desarrollado sistemas para evaluar agroecosistemas con desigual grado de conceptualización y rigurosidad, y también con disímiles criterios. Dado que dichos sistemas han sido escasamente analizados tanto en su fase conceptual como en su fase aplicada, en el presente artículo nos proponemos comparar el “Marco para la Evaluación de Sistemas de Manejo de recursos naturales incorporando Indicadores de Sustentabilidad” (MESMIS) y el marco “Evaluación de Agroecosistemas Mediante Indicadores de Sustentabilidad”, buscando semejanzas y diferencias entre los mismos, en clave de resaltar sus ventajas y sus limitantes. Como conclusión general afirmamos que ninguno de los dos marcos presenta en términos globales características superadoras, no obstante el enfoque sistémico presente en el marco MESMIS le otorga mayor poder heurístico.
Light, heat, oxygen, moisture, ozone, atmospheric pollution, and biological effects are the most important effectives that wreak chemical degradation on polymer structure. Chemical degradation on polymer consist of problems such as discoloration, brittleness, surface cracks, perspiration, crumbling, smell, and surface acidity. The aim of this work is to improve the resistance of polystyrene (PS) material to chemical degradation. For this purpose, PS is coated with silica sol-gel hybrid coating. Silica sol-gel was synthesized by using vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS) as a cross-linker and tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) as a silica source.Firstly, four different pre-treatment techniques (oven, vacuum oven, lyophilizer, and freezing) were studied to determine the most suitable pre-treatment technique for the coating on the PS substrate of sol-gel prepared with the initial formulation (S1).A freezing techniquegave the best results for a coating sample. The change of surface colour of the coated PS was measured byCIE L*a*b* methods. Secondly, the most suitable curing agent (Irgacure 184, Irgacure 819, Darocur 1173, and TiO2 as the crystalline anatase phase) was chosen to coat the sol-gel on the PS.It was determined that the lowest yellowing of the PS surface was a hybrid coating with UV curing of TEOS sol modified by VTMS and TiO2 as photo-initiators. Finally, the chemical and morphological structure of the coated PS samples was determined by FT-IR and SEM instruments, respectively.
This paper is a bridging among soft set theory, set theory and AG-groups, in which soft intersection AG-group (abbreviated by soft int-AG-group) is defined and investigated. The concept of soft int-AG-group is further extended to define the notions of conjugates soft int-AG-group, normal soft int-AG-group, e-set and $\\alpha$-inclusion of soft int-AG-groups. Various properties of these notions are investigated and supported by relevant examples that are produced by GAP.